
My birthday was earlier this month (January), which always makes me reflect on the year that has passed.  Since it's the last day of the month, I thought I'd share some of my reflections on 40.

40 was a great year!  It taught me a lot about myself, some stuff that was hard, and a lot that was really good.  40 changed my perspective on what I'm doing, where I'm going, and what I want to do.  40 made me let go of some important things I didn't want to let go of.  40 showed me some important things that I had unintentionally let go of that I needed to grab back up.  40 taught me that setting boundaries and limits in life is not only healthy, it is good.  40 brought me my first finished manuscript, a dream that I've had since I was a child.  40 helped me get my nutrition on track for the first time since my youngest was born and to get into the absolute best shape of my life so far.  40 taught me new things, like preaching to a congregation for the first time.  40 reinforced the beauty of close family life, traditions, and the support and love we have for each other. 

At 40, I'm learning to celebrate the things my body CAN do, instead of focusing on what I can no longer do (cartwheels and somersaults are no longer in my repertoire), and so I celebrated by running two half marathons and joyfully teaching my Oula classes.  40 is when I achieved my National Board certification in teaching.  There were some really painful lessons that I learned from 40 as well, but even those painful things brought me a new and renewed sense of God's faithfulness, and His hand working in my life, even when I don't see what the fruit will be right away.  So even though there were some really hard things, I can truthfully and joyfully say that 40 was a great year!

I've had a couple of weeks to sit with 41, and so far, it's a great number.  It's already teaching me things about confidence, friendship, and trust.  I look forward to sharing what I'm learning with you on this journey.
