{Life in October}

Happy October, dear readers!

I know, it's been a hot minute since I've done a blog post.  Somehow I always delude myself into thinking that summer will bring soooo much time for writing, and then *snap* it's gone.

Summer 2019 was interesting.  Without diving into detail, it was bookended by by turmoil, frustration, and pain as we slogged through some difficult questions about our next season of life and ministry.  It also had glorious moments of relaxation, community, friendship, family, and sunshine.  As we worked our way through the hard moments into clarity, we also felt the hand of God with us, giving us vision for what is ahead. 

A couple of life updates that came about right at the end of the summer:

*Jon became the Lead Pastor of Destination Church, as his parents have moved back to Missoula to assist at Limitless Ministries. 
*Bethany left at the beginning of September to begin her internship at Hope Church in London.  She'll be gone until June at least. 
*I have gone back to a .9 teaching contract, which means that Friday mornings are now for teaching music instead of writing. 

Transitioning back into the main leadership role has been a huge blessing, and it's also brought some exciting changes.  We are so excited to see where God will lead Destination Church in the future, and we dearly love the small core group of people that are currently gathering.  Getting to know them better over the last few weeks has been amazing.  We recently signed a lease on a new meeting space, where we have access 24/7.  We are in full on redecorate mode, and can't wait to become more involved in the community now that we have a space where we can host events.

Unfortunately, the changes in my schedule and the flurry of activity that surrounds leading a church and leasing a new space has left little time for much of a writing routine.  In fact, I'm only writing this today because I have a cold, and took a sick day from work!  As we get settled into our new role, and things begin to come together for our new space, I'm anticipating finding a new life rhythm which includes space for writing.  In the meantime, posts will likely be sporadic, and most likely in the form of micro-blogging over on Instagram.  You can find me here.

As we move into October, we head full on into the middle of cross country season, we begin to think of November and the glory of the Christmas season ahead, we wrap ourselves in scarves and boots, and we sip on glorious soups.  My summer did not turn out the way I expected it to, but with a little space behind me, I can start to glimpse a purpose in what felt like pure chaos and upheaval at times.  I start to see how we had to work through pain to find God's purpose, and to fight for what we felt God had called us to.  Moving into October, we are running our race with perseverance, with a new, gut level understanding of what it means.  We look ahead with anticipation and nearly giddy excitement for the coming season of what we believe God has for us.  We feel fully wrapped in God's arms as we move forward in faith.  And we rely on Jesus, Living Water and Bread of Life, to sustain us along the way. 
