{Writing Wednesday: Poetry Edition}

Happy Writing Wednesday, friends! It's hard to believe that August is on the downward slope. In less than two weeks, I'll be headed "back" to work, and I know many of my teacher friends have already begun their school year. This is a season when decisions certainly can feel overwhelming and I'm right there with you. So today, I'm going to toss it back to a poem I wrote when I was on my writing retreat back in June. It reminds me that there is renewal and hope in the midst of hard things. Enjoy!

David Bowie in my ears
echoes the sentiments in my 
Sounds of laughter from the
lake beyond unearth a quiet
longing in my soul.
Bathed in light, I write
My pen scratching against
the page, the silky papery
feel slides under my fingers
as the light lowers to create
shadows in my hand.
The breeze rustles the trees
sending freshness into the
closed-up smell, smells of 
warmth and cleaning agents
but the breeze locks onto 
me, and its breath blows
through me until I am 
refreshed; I am renewed.
I'm curious, what renews you when you feel overwhelmed? How are you struggling right now, and how can I help? 
This Fall, I'll be launching a monthly newsletter with exclusive content for subscribers.  You'll see some recipes, tradition ideas, reflections, and some short stories/poems. All you have to do is fill out the subscribe info in the sidebar.  I promise not to spam you.
