{Menu Monday 9.21.20}


Happy #menumonday, friends! With one full week of online classes under our belts, we are slowly settling in to our new school routine. Between technology issues and staffing reductions, it's been an interesting week to say the least. It's stressful times like this when I am grateful that I've already pre-planned what our dinner plans will be. My next step is to get my grocery shopping routines back on point. I had to bunt a couple of times last week because I realized I didn't have what I needed and was too exhausted to go to the store... again. I also need to get back in the habit of less processed foods (like pasta... I love pasta) and more veggies, so that's another goal I'm setting for myself this week. As you can see, we still have plenty of Fall-ish comfort foods on the menu this week:

Monday- Pesto Chicken with roasted veggies
Tuesday- Tacos/Taco Salad
Wednesday -Leftovers
Thursday- Steak and potatoes
Friday- Pizza
Saturday- Leftovers
Sunday- Chicken Penne Gorgonzola

Baby steps toward more healthy choices. At least, that's what I tell myself.🙂

Now that we are settling into a bit of a routine, I'm hoping to have a Writing Wednesday post for you again this week. Fingers crossed.

Have you signed up for my monthly newsletter yet? The first edition comes out in just over a week and will have family favorite recipe, some seasonal reflections, and a new poem. This content is exclusive to newsletter subscribers, so if you like what you get here on the blog, sign up for the newsletter to get more! Fill out the form in the sidebar to subscribe.
