Happy #menumonday, friends! I can't believe that we are already in the final week of October. I love October, and in some ways, it feels like this month has flown by. While I miss our "usual" October-y things, like cross country meets and more apples than I know what to do with, I do have to say that it's been nice to have some slower Saturdays around here.
Like many of my friends around the Northwest, we experienced quite the winter storm over the weekend. My Montana friends will laugh and say I shouldn't complain... We got about 5 inches compared to their 10, and our low temps only dropped to the low teens instead of the below zeros. And I'm not really complaining, I just feel like my Fall got cut quite short. Less than a month ago, we took our paddle boards out for the last time, and now it's winter! I'm hoping we still get another round of Fall before real winter hits.
I'm in my final week of prepping for NaNoWriMo, which I also participated in last year. Finalizing my outline, and making sure my household is also ready for me to spend a month writing in my spare time rather than all the other things Mom usually handles... On that list of NaNo prep is getting all my meals planned for the month! It's going to be lots of quick, easy meals, that's for sure! If you are doing NaNo, what are the practical ways you're prepping this week?
Here's the menu plan for the week:
Monday- Chicken Pesto
Tuesday- Tacos
Wednesday- Leftovers
Thursday- Chicken and Veggies
Friday- Homemade Pizza
Saturday- Leftovers
Sunday- Yellow Soup (this is a yummy, creamy chicken chowder that is flavored and colored with turmeric... Hence, the name. My family loves it.)
I love soup in Fall and Winter... Look for lots more of those in the coming months. And if you haven't signed up for my newsletter yet, the next edition comes out on Saturday, so there's still time to get on the list. Click here to sign up!
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