It's #menumonday!
I gotta be honest. Today I'm feeling down. Yesterday, our governor announced new restrictions due to our case count here is Washington, and heading into my favorite season of the year, it's a bit of a tough pill to swallow. This time of year, I'm normally in full on 'Dance Mom' mode, baking all.the.things. and mentally gearing up for the busyness of the holiday season. There are dance performances, holiday concerts, and family gatherings on the horizon. But this year... well, we all know that this year is different. One thing I've learned this year is that it's ok to feel those feelings, to sit with them and work through them. And then I count my blessings, which are many, even in 2020.
Our new oven/range is set to arrive tomorrow morning and I can't wait! After the news yesterday, I'm ready to do some holiday baking to spread some cheer. My favorite things to bake this time of year are Spritz cookies, pie, and banana bread! What are your favorites?
Here's the plan for the week:
Monday: Stew
Tuesday: Broccoli Beef
Wednesday: Leftovers
Thursday: Chicken and Rice
Friday: Pizza
Saturday: Leftovers
Sunday: Pesto Chicken
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