We are two days into NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, and I'm so excited for this new project that I'm working on. If you've never heard of NaNo, you'll probably think we are all crazy. The general idea is that you write 50,000 words toward a specific novel project (usually fiction, but you can be a rebel) during the month of November. That's about 1667 words each day for 30 days. I've done it a couple of times before, but last year was the first year that I was able to meet and even exceed my 50K word count goal.
As you can imagine, writing 50K words in a month requires quite a bit of time, and since I haven't got that book deal quite yet... I'm fitting this into the spaces around my everyday life. I still have to work and do things like cook dinner (why do they want dinner EVERY night?!?) and do laundry, but there are some things I can put in place to make my life a little easier during November. One thing is to simplify our weekly menus a little bit, and I've helped myself out and precooked some ground beef and shredded chicken to pull out of the freezer on busy evenings. I'm also doing a bit more "planned-overs" which always helps to clean out the fridge!
Here's the plan for the week (meals with * are ones that I'll be using meat that I cooked ahead of time):
Monday: Chicken Penne Gorgonzola*
Tuesday: Tacos*
Wednesday: Leftovers
Thursday: Chicken and Rice (Hubby will grill, I will make the rice and veggies).
Friday: Pizza night
Saturday: Leftovers
Sunday: Chili (I'll use whatever leftover taco meat is still around, plus more ground beef if needed.)
I learned about planned overs years ago, but haven't been very good about actually doing them over the last few months. If you've never heard of planned overs, the idea is that you make a meal, and then re-use parts of that meal to make something new. Because we all get tired of plain old leftovers. For example; if we do grilled chicken one night and there's a bunch of chicken leftover, I'll shred it and use it in a soup later in the week, rather than all of us reheating grilled chicken in the microwave. It's a useful plan, until someone decides to finish off the chicken!
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