{Menu Monday 11.9.20}


Happy #menumonday, friends!

Fall is definitely in the air around here, and I've started adding a soup to my weekly menus. We often do this through most of the winter. It's such a cozy way to eat good food, and I've acquired some GREAT soup recipes over the years. Some days I just want to eat all the soups, day after day after day, but I try to practice some self-control.

A couple of weeks ago, my oven decided to quit working, so I've had to make sure that my dinner plans don't include baking or broiling. A little frustrating, but I'm looking forward to having a working oven again!! Delivery is currently scheduled for November 17th, so keep your fingers crossed for me that it gets here in time to get it installed for Thanksgiving.
And if you missed last week's post, I'm trying to write a novel this month, so menus have been simplified a bit. I precooked some ground beef and chicken in October and froze it ahead of time to make my life a little easier. Meals with * are ones that I'm using precooked meat.

Here's the menu for the week:

Monday: Chicken Burrito Bowls*
Tuesday: Spaghetti*
Wednesday: Leftovers
Thursday: Pastie Pie* 
Friday: Out or Takeout
Saturday: Leftovers
Sunday: Potato Soup
